Tempted, but not stupid……

Oh though I am tempted to post the logo of my beloved Butler Bulldogs AGAIN (yes, I indeed did graduate from Butler back in the 1800’s), I have decided instead to post a picture taken tonight of Ben and his grandma who is here to visit (though she SAYS all of us) him.

Unlike many son-in-law/mother-in-law relationships, we get along marvelously. She stayed up to see most of the Butler win, and I have to say I was very pleased at how happy she was. I did not fail however to note that she was wearing that Kansas State t-shirt, and if they happen to beat Xavier tonight, KSU will become our next victim….so I am praying the honeymoon continues. Although if KSU wins, I am not sure how either of us will survive! I mean really….how will I ever be able to help her with that KSU loss depression when I will be so elated…overjoyed in fact. Thank God for Ben I suppose. He will be my plan to distract her from yet another Butler surgical extraction of a great team from the NCAA brackets!

But I should not gloat. One thing that I will admit is that I am a loyal fan. I cheer for the Bulldogs when they are at the top AND at the bottom, and I am a die hard Cubs and Bears fan as well. If I live many years and this blog goes on as well, at this time of year I’d expect I will be desperately searching for a topic, as most of the time the teams I root for suck, although that is probably not as descriptive as it should be. So let me just say I will enjoy it while I can and leave it at that. I want to shout it from the rooftops, but alas, from them we swiftly fall. I will just enjoy it for what it is…..God’s Chosen Team spanking all the evil doers. After all, who am I to contradict prophesy…..?

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

(BA in Religion 1984 – Butler University…..the ones who just knocked off the Orangemen!)

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