Doggone tired……..

Well, although we have accomplished plenty over the last few weeks here at the house, waterproofing is not yet one of them.  You CAN SEE the floor that the dog is sacked out on, which is what was UNDER all the carpet upstairs that Steph, Amanda, and I ripped out.  Before Steph leaves we will sand and finish it, but even before that I need to make sure the other projects (especially waterproofing) are done.  I am beyond tired.

But truthfully, I am beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  A short time ago I used to believe it was a train, now however I believe it is my RETIREMENT.  I am watching my mother-in-law play with grand kids and many of my high school and college classmates doing the same as well.  And I have decided, without any regret, that I personally would be ideally suited for such work.

Ideally of course, it would be the best to be Viper.  He sleeps all day, and when he is not he is eating or having someone scratch his back.  He DOES work as a stud dog, which also seems to be a job he does not seem to mind.  But my point is that his life is pretty sweet.

But for now I will take his advice and call it a day and relax….I deserve it.  Of course in the morning right after being let out and getting a “cookie” he will look at me and call it a day for himself then.  Yes, I both admire and respect him.  He is pretty comfortable with himself!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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