If it weren’t for Amanda telling me I wasn’t having one, I would be almost certain today was a hallucination. Not only did the Lady Millers win their JV game 9-2, but the Varsity then shut out Concord 20-0. That was awesome, but then to hear that Butler made it into the Final Four was the icing on the cake! When we announced it from the stadium PA there were loud cheers! Two more wins to the National Championship!

I am finding it odd that I am holding the both these things to two different standards. As a coach, it is always in the minute…..each game, every play, every moment counts. I think we have a great team, and I hope to see them go all the way, but I would never be so presumptuous to say we will be there. You earn that right.

But as a fan, I already have us (Butler) winning it all. I believe it will happen and am already thankful I own all the sportswear, since it is getting more expensive I am sure with every win! My Butler plate would be on the front of my car win or lose, but for now I am thankful that it probably adds value to my car!

But tomorrow is Palm Sunday and I am not quite ready…..though I am almost there. I am sure, even on my own, that my responsibilities during Holy Week and not a figment of my imagination. So off to work I go.

Come see us this week at Church. There are certainly a lot of things to celebrate lately, but the one we will focus upon this week is the best one of all!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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