Palm Sunday……

Palm Sunday is of course, the beginning of Holy Week, a day that we not only remember the Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, but on which we also hear the story of the Crucifixion. It is one of my favorite days of the Church Year, as it helps to focus me upon the importance of what Christ has done for us, and allows me to really center my faith.

Oddly enough, I grew up in a place where Palm Sunday had a great deal of significance, but not as much for the faith part as a tragedy. In 1965, when I was just shy of 4, two tornadoes ripped through Elkhart County where we lived killing many people in the area. All through the Midwest on that day there were a total of 47 tornadoes, and a total of 271 people were killed and over 1000 were injured.

We were at my grandparents in Goshen that day, and though there were sirens everywhere, the brunt of it all missed us. The picture shows the two tornadoes coming down what always was referred to from that day, “Killer 33.” I am not sure if that sign in the picture is still there, but I remember it from most of my life. It was a devastating day, that is still talked about. People certainly must of felt as if it were Armageddon.

But with faith, the community pulled together. President Johnson came to visit and encourage us, and in time we recovered. But it was a time to remind everyone how very precious life is, and that anytime, that which we know can change in an instant, and even be taken away.

The Good News is that the theme of Palm Sunday helps to assure us that despite what can happen to us, even the bad parts, everything will be alright. Life really is more than it seems, and because Our Lord walked into Jerusalem and fulfilled His Father’s Will for us, we have a guarantee that He will ultimately take care of us… the midst of storms or on the dullest of days.

My friends, as we enter into the most Holiest of Weeks, I want to remind you that God loves you and wherever you are and however you are, He offers you something more. If your life is great, or even if it is wrought with struggle and pain, the hope of something better always awaits.

My hope and prayer for you is you enter with great sincerity into Holy Week and off that life unto the Lord. He wants more for you than you even want for yourself. But the only way to fulfill His Will for your life is to pick up your own cross and follow Him on the way.

I hope and I pray that you do!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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