Trying is trying……..

Okay, I am willing to admit I will not meet my weight loss goal by Easter, but I have put a great big dent in it. The hard part for me is that I believe that a few years back, I would have made that goal with ease. Things just do not come off as easily as they did. I can work hard to lose weight and make a little progress then hit a wall…..but I can walk through the cookie isle at Kroger and not eat or touch a thing and gain 16 pounds. I am not sure how it works, but it appears to be the reality of my world.

What is hard is that the frustration is killing me. I am willing to admit that I am almost 49, and I am willing to admit that my metabolism has changed. What I am struggling to admit is that I need to come to grips with not being able to do it like I used to! But the truth is I don’t. I haven’t had a regular soda in over 15 years, and I eat very little sugar at all. I still remain very active, yet I manage to stay “husky” as they say, rather than lean and mean.

But as I always say, Lent is not a time to just do something and give up at the end and return to old habits, it is a time to affect lasting change. So I hope to reach my 50 sooner or later and not just get there, but to remain there as well. I appreciate all your prayers…..I need them to continue, but mostly at this point to help me deal with the frustration.

So with that, I will head to bed. Tomorrow is another day. I am looking forward to it too!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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