MIA…….what the heck?

Yep, it is not just Maundy Thursday, but it is also the first day this year I have headed out to the porch to write this blog, and guess what??? The cat is nowhere to be found. Though I believe she is a middle-aged cat I hardly believe that she needs any more sleep to add to her already record 23 hours that she sleeps in a day. I am a big fan of tradition, and tonight she is blowing it.

Of course, like a cat always does, just as I am typing this she shows up, clearly to embarrass me. And though I could have not admitted that, I wanted to….because about it I am truly pleased. This tradition we have is not just important to me, it is helpful to me. Two years ago when I was out on this very porch looking for my mind, Puddy was out here with me….keeping watch I suppose, watch of what I have no idea.

But during that time when my world was spinning, she was a real constant for me. And even now she makes seem stable. Cats really don’t have much use for anyone unless they are cold or hungry, but for some reason she has just stuck with me, like clockwork, keeping watch till I finish typing and then disappearing. I always wondered if she was like that “death cat” in that nursing home and spending a lot of time with me out here was just hedging her bet and hoping she would get it right. But I think it is important to her as well. We just make it our thing.

And I am glad she is here. Tomorrow is Good Friday, and I really needed a peaceful way to end the day. So God has provided me with what I need again….and as it often is, tonight it has been through this stupid easy-going little cat.

Off to bed! I hope to see you in Church tomorrow and Sunday! Goodnight and God Bless!


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