When the cat’s away…..well not the real cat, we mean Amanda………

Generally we boys behave here at home unsupervised, but Ben is proving himself to be more of a rebel than any of us previously. He pushes the limits and then laughs. You want to dole out some punishment for it, and he makes you laugh. We decided at a boy’s family meeting today that we will just all move out before Amanda and Steph return from Florida on Saturday. It will be a lot easier than taking blame for all the destruction here.

But we all will readily admit that we are having fun. Sure it’s not Florida, but it is 80 and sunny and we have been able to get outside a couple of times to play. Holy Week and Easter Day are now passed, as well as my trip up to Fort Wayne yesterday and today, so after a catch-up workday tomorrow at home, I should be able to get some fun time with the boys. It will be a great opportunity to rejuvenate for me!

But for now I will re-adopt my current role of “Border Collie” at my house and work to keep Ben “penned in.” It is only Tuesday, so thank God we still have some time to hire contractors to fix all the damage!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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