The worst cartoon ever……

I do not know what it is about today, but I am exhausted and with no help tonight either. Ben and I came to bed at about 8pm because I could not see straight, and he was clearly not ready to go. So, as a compromise as we lay here in bed, we had to watch the worst show for children ever….”Little Einsteins.”

Little Einsteins is about four children, who without any parental supervision, solve the world’s problems with art, music, diversity, and liberal naivety that drives me up a wall. A military jet is often the villain, and it is always played opposite the children’s “rocket” that is fueled by children clapping, patting their laps, or shaking their hands.

Of course in my limited mind, I wonder where they got a rocket in the first place, and why it would be good for a child to fly one…….even Scott had to wait till 15 to get his permit for a CAR. Lord know what he would do with a rocket. And what kinds of kids know all the classical composers and art and get all excited about the word “adagio.” I guess parents must think that their kids will be smarter, geniuses in fact, from watching cartoons of such amazing classical content. After all, as I am typing this, Leo “the conductor” just helped a group of cows moo to the tune of Beethoven’s 9th symphony……watch out Julliard……there are a lot of kids coming your way!

But I am just trying to endure the night. My head hurts and I am tired. Ben apparently has neither problem. Of course just a few more of these cartoons and he will probably be able to fix me up without even an MRI. I suppose it was a good investment (that I incidentally did not make). I just wish it had more of a sedating effect….for him that is….I am wiped out already.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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