A half a world away……

Well, the four of us have survived school, work, lacrosse practices, a babysitter, and two girls lacrosse games, which I am happy to report we won. The odd part is that from the sidelines I could not hear her yelling (she calls it cheering), but that is probably because she is in England for work till late Wednesday night.

Now that I am thinking about the day, I am realizing how very I tired I am and should be! I went to bed after midnight and was up at 3:30. I had her delivered to the airport and was home before the kids had to go to school. I have been going ever since too…….suddenly I am feeling tired!

At least I have the satisfaction of knowing it is later there….five hours later to be exact! Of course knowing Amanda she probably slept on the plane and anywhere else she could. AND, I am sure she has been asleep in her hotel for hours.

So for now we will just celebrate her arrival in England and the the survival of a busy day. I just hope we can have a lot less to do….beginning with tomorrow morning!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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