Cake Boss(es)

My daughter Stephanie has a group of friends, many of whom play lacrosse, who Amanda and I have had the pleasure to get to know. They are over a lot, they never knock or are expected to, and they are some of the finest young women I have ever known. BUT in all honesty, all of them need to be in rehab, not for anything like drinking or drugs, but for the bizarre addiction they all have for making cakes.

I really do not know why it started, nor do I understand it. I know initially Amanda was involved, but they have really worked hard to muscle her out. The cakes they make are quite creative AND TASTY, but it is funny that it doesn’t matter if there are five of them or two of them, they seem to love it. Another year from now they will all be in different places, but I expect when they are home to see them here, even if Steph is not home, baking cakes so I can screw up my diet.

Tonight it is Steph and Katie. They are both remarkable lacrosse players, and are doing homework in between cooking (also quite normal FOR THEM). I will miss this weirdness next year I am sure. But for now I am loving it. Amanda, if she were here, would be loving it too. Lord knows what kind of cake is on its way…..I only know it will be good!

Goodnight and God Bless from the home of the Cake Bosses!

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