In search of my brain……….

I suppose that one of the blessings of a 2 month disappearance is the availability of 2 months worth of gratuitous pictures of my children that I can share.  Tonight’s is of last week’s MRI to see if having a headache for two months was significant……it wasn’t, I am fine (although I still have a headache).

But despite the headache and blurred vision, I still have taken the time to read quite a bit of my favorite theologian, Archbishop Fulton Sheen.  He and I have some things in common……we both serve the Church, we both draw poorly, and we both are from the Midwest.  But over these past few months as I have read him, I am feeling quite certain that I can blame him for much of this unsettledness.

I do have to say that I was telling my dad about reading him, and my dad asked, “Bishop Sheen?” Apparently he and my Great Grandfather “Pop” Tirman were good friends and frequently had lunch together on Tuesdays.  I knew Pop, but not the good Bishop, however as my dad talked I could see them being drawn together.  It just made sense.

But I am no name-dropper. I don’t even know anyone famous, and if I did, I would probably not be too impressed.  People are people, the rich and the poor, the famous and not famous, the young and the old……all created by the same God in His own image.  That’s why we cover every casket with a white pall.  It doesn’t matter who you are, we are all the same in God’s eyes.  It is a lesson we would do well to learn.

Anyway, no tumor, evidence of my stroke, but no mention of my marvelous brain.  The tech may have told me about it, but I was all Valiumed up as I am HIGHLY CLAUSTROPHOBIC.  But the good news is no one kept me and I can still get out of bed by myself, which was a restriction the last time.

But keep me in your prayers………..I am heading towards something better….I can feel it.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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