Exhaustion Transport……

Yep, it’s a twist on the Disney ride “Disaster Transport,” though I am told it no longer exists. But of course that is how I feel……I am utterly exhausted from the long day away out of town for lacrosse. The good part is that we won a couple of games. The bad part is that I am about 20 years too old to be doing this much in a day.

Fortunately for me, though the day began at 5am, we were bale to arrive home at around 4 and I was going to be able to take a nap. When one is that tired though, it is far easier to take the toddler with you, which we did, but her slept in the car so he was NOT tired. So after about an hour of him hounding us, I finally got back up and abandoned all hope for a nap. I just was wishing at that point he was 16. Teenagers WILL sleep, and really do not have a whole lot of interest in keeping you up, after all, you can ground them. So Ben won this round……but not the title!

It is now however approaching midnight and ironically, he is asleep IN MY BED and SNORING. What a little snake! It doesn’t take away how tired I feel, but there is just something about this little guy’s MO that is amazingly unfair. He is either a genius or just quite lucky. I will pray for genius….I may be needing him to take care of me someday!

Anyway, we won both games today, and now after 150 more things and no sleep, I am prepared for the day tomorrow and ready for bed. I won’t disturb him….just pray for him to keep snoring all though the night. I have no interest in negotiating with anyone at this point who does not want to sleep!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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