Oh I Wish…….

Why in the world the more tired I get, the more energy he seems to have. I have hidden my keys from him, so I know he didn’t sneak out for an espresso at the Starbucks or anything like that, but I AM suspicious that something is amiss. He just never seems to want to go down!

Oh yes, the picture is a few months old although I WISH it were tonight. Mr. Incredible would be A LOT more incredible if he slept more in my mind, but what I do not understand is with his mom walking around here like a zombie (she is beat too) why she doesn’t entice him to fall asleep in our room, which he will…..as long as he knows she will be there. He loves me, but he would clearly throw me under a bus for her, which gives me more free time when both of us are here, but often makes me nervous in that they could suddenly afford that month-long Disney vacation if something were to “accidentally” happen to me! I however am the only one to drive them both while they sleep, so as long as I have some value I suppose I will be around a while.

Tonight however he is watching “Shrek” while I do some work. Amanda is “switching out” his summer and winter stuff, which is a hard concept for a guy like me who has 3 pairs of jeans, some sport shorts, clergy-ware (all black) and t-shirts. My whole wardrobe can be split into work and other and then just pants and shirts. Seasons do not matter, my wardrobe is year round and valued at maybe 100.00, including the shoes!

So from the dining room I now pray that I will walk into the other room and find him asleep on the floor…..I know, fat chance. But I will pray nonetheless. I know that one day he will LOVE to sleep, and then it will be his turn. My grandkids will be his problem then, and since they will not live with me, my prayer is that they will never sleep! As my mom always said, what goes around comes around!!

Goodnight and God Bless my friends! I hope and pray you had a blessed Sunday!


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