Where am I?

I am not sure how I got here, but I am glad to be home. It seemed days ago when I got up this morning. I woke up early in order to head Indianapolis to do a hospital visit downtown. From that point I became the most well-traveled priest in Indiana…….finishing up with the lacrosse team for a game against HSE (which we won V but lost JV) before arriving here at home around 10pm.

The nice part is that the day is done….I think. I am sure there is something I am forgetting, but with Amanda asleep, I will not need to find out until tomorrow. It has been a tough day though. I have had a lot of confusion all day, and rather than trying to push myself to write something insightful or witty, I think I just need to call it a day. I am already well beyond my limit, and the blessing of it all is that I know it…

Goodnight my friends, my apologies, and God Bless!


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