Happy Happy Joy Joy……….

I actually think the white gloves are a part of his Dress Blues, because Scotty’s girlfriend Kenzie is a pretty dang good rugby player, so I am pretty sure that she is not afraid of cooties.  Plus, US Marines from what I understand do not believe in cooties, so all I am saying is those are HIS gloves, part of his uniform, and just enjoy the picture.

Yes, Lance Corporal Scott Tirman came home two weeks ago, as it was Kenzie’s birthday.  And to remember the occasion they had our friend Danielle, who did the pictures at our wedding, do some for them downtown.  And I have to say that the pictures are pretty great to see.  We see the two of them in regular life most of the time, but the dressing up is pretty great.  They are a great couple, very good for each other, and they love to have fun.  And as I was not invited to their private dinner, the pictures were great to see.

As I have said before, I personally would have loved to have earned the honor of that uniform, but I chose a different route.  I hardly think it appropriate for Amanda and I to go downtown and take romantic pictures with her in a nice dress and me in my habit, plus as I have been told, it really doesn’t make me look very sexy.  It is a mark of consecration, like other clergy wear, yet it too, like a uniform is earned.  Being an abbot or a priest may not allow you to blow up anything, but in all honesty, although I have some regrets in life, my vocation is not one of them.  AND, when I take into account our kids, as you can see through even just the reading of the blog, I have a LOT to be proud of.  We have great kids!

But as I am ending this day, I picked out this picture as it made me smile.  They are a happy couple and we are happy for them.  And it is just a privilege to be able to share it with you tonight!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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