Of potentially sparking an international incident…….

Okay, in retrospect it probably wasn’t a good idea, but as my wife would tell you, many of mine aren’t anyway. You see, I have been in Chicago all day where I flew to attend a meeting with our bishop and other leaders from our region who are all pretty great guys……two of whom I probably should apologize to in this blog for potentially getting us arrested in an international gate.

You see, three of us, Fr. Boysel, Fr. Kannapell and myself, rode the shuttle back to the airport after our meeting, went through security, and with about an hour till the first one’s flight decided to get a beer (of course I don’t drink beer, so I had a wine) and because there were no seats in the restaurant, they gave us “to go” cups (after all it is Chicago) and we walked just a few feet to the adjacent international gate to sit and talk.

But that’s when I saw her, and my oh my was she beautiful. It wasn’t that I had been away from home since 5 in the morning, or because I was lonely or tired, it was that she was cute, playful, and a girl in uniform. Who could resist? And that’s why I snapped a picture of her with my cell phone.

Of course that was what attracted the attention of the DEA officers. Did you know that it is illegal to snap a picture of them? But that cutie was THEIR DOG, who apparently just got done sweeping the plane heading to Germany, (so she was not only cute, but a specialist) but the picture also captured her handler and the officers around them, so I was told to produce my phone, display the pictures, and then erase it in front of the officer, which I promptly did. Three priests, a drink for each, and an illegal picture of a dog would have certainly made a great jail house story, and a pretty good joke, but because Fr. Joe’s flight was drawing near I made sure I did what I was asked.

The good news is that DEA agents, like most of the fine men and women who stand in harm’s way on our behalf, are pretty great folks, and this group was no exception. I was allowed to take a picture of the dog, which was all I wanted in the first place, but the other agents kept blocking the shots. So she posed, and I made sure she was the only one in the shot. And then I cropped it again at home, twice, to make sure I didn’t violate federal law. These folks are not just law enforcement, but they are heroes too, and they will always get my respect.

Goodnight from home my friends and God Bless!


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