Jumping the gun……intentionally……

I am sitting here in my office on a Saturday night with Ben’s cat sitting in one of the chairs across from my desk staring me down.  It doesn’t creep me out at all as if you go way back in these posts you know that the cat used to do this out when I typed on the back porch every night at our old house.  It kind of makes it special.

But tomorrow is our anniversary, and since I am in Nashville for services tomorrow we decided to at least exchange our gifts tonight.  Ben drew us a picture/card and he put it in a frame that I bought.  And we just enjoyed ourselves before parting and heading off to do our work tonight (sermons, Sunday School, and such)

So the cat and I are typing, the dog and Amanda are making gift baskets, Ben is sleeping, and I am exhausted.  I failed to mention two things……one, I am not done with my sermon and two, the window on the driver’s door of my truck popped out of its frame a couple of hours ago.  AND, since I am driving it tomorrow VERY EARLY, I had to take apart the entire door, reset the window and get the door back on.  It was time I really didn’t have, but in all honesty I was glad that we celebrated our anniversary BEFORE I was in a foul mood.

Oh we will celebrate tomorrow too.  We always go to dinner and often with the kids.  Steph and Scotty cannot be here, but Ben will be and Scotty’s girlfriend Kenzie will join us too….it should be a great time.

But for now, the cat and I have a sermon to finish…..after of course I check her for weapons.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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