In the light……

Things are always better when they are brought into the light, so after mowing this afternoon I thought it might be good to take a picture of the back porch for you during the daytime. I spend a lot of time working out there, although much of the time it is dark.

To update everyone, the landlord is still out of the country until tomorrow. I am hoping to hear from him this morning and meet him this afternoon. In the meantime, most of the contents of St. Patrick’s remain in my garage.

On the upside, the Noblesville Lady Millers won 11-7 this evening against Guerin High School. We play again Friday and Saturday and then the Regionals start. Saturday is actually Senior Night and although I will be quite proud to honor my daughter and the other seniors, many I have known for a long time, it will mark a big transition in life. I have mixed feelings about it, though I am sure it will be fun.

So it is time to leave the back porch and head to bed. It is dark outside now, but tomorrow is another day. It will be an important one, and I want to make certain I am at my best.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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