Seeing what I see…..

After re-reading my posts over the past few days I thought what was missing was why sitting out on my porch is so important to me. It then struck me that I might want to sit where I type each evening and take a picture from there. So here it is, my yard, the field, and two corn or soy fields depending upon what they plant.

I suppose you can see why it is so relaxing. My life is often stress-filled, and being able to relax is pretty important to me. The cat, the dog, and I often are out here just vegging out! It does perturb the cat a bit, particularly since this was her spot, but I don’t know why she should worry……Viper may be the only animal in the world who sleeps more than a cat. I often check him just to see if he is breathing. I wish I had that kind of technique. He is the true master!

But tonight I am out here just thinking about the day and winding down. I did talk to our landlord who is in the States now and he has asked me to send him the Termination Agreement that he will get back to me to finish the work of terminating the lease. It was actually a good conversation, and I thanked God for it. I will however, feel better when it is done.

And oddly enough, I was ale to go watch one of Scotty’s games tonight. With him being a goalie and me being the women’s head coach, you can imagine how rare that is. They won 6-5 and he played great….with one exception that really honked him off. Always a Tirman, he will focus on that one thing and work to eliminate it. It is a curse, but it makes for an athlete that will always work to get better. I was thankful for the opportunity!

Okay…..time is a-wasting and I am off to bed…okay, no I am not. I am going to pour myself a drink and sit out here relaxing with my four-legged friends. It is a beautiful night, and it will be a great way to enjoy it!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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