Bring on the rain……

Tonight we had a game in Indianapolis against North Central High School. We had this game and then the season finale tomorrow night, the winner of which will be seeded first in the Regional. But we had to get through tonight first. And it was difficult to say the least. We were down almost immediately, and it is the earliest I have ever called for a timeout in our history. But it was clear we were off on the wrong road and needed to regroup.

It was a struggle though. Our team has been riddled with injuries and sickness. We have gone through more athletic tape in one season than I did in a lifetime of ice hockey games. After tomorrow night we will have off till Thursday, but in truth, it would be nice to win the number one seed, especially playing at home. We were last season’s regional champs, and that’s why we are the hosts. We blew a couple of mid season games, so we are not the favorites going into tomorrow, but I am confident that we will make it into the regionals with that first seed.

So tonight’s game was suspended and then cancelled due to lightening, and I was not disappointed at all. We just didn’t have it, and though the game ended after we had regrouped enough to tie the score, and I do think we would have won it handily in the end, sometimes the bigger picture is more important. We needed the extra day to rest up. Tomorrow will be a big one.

So tonight I thank God for the rain, and particularly for the lightening. We want none of it tomorrow, other than that we create out on the field ourselves! So it is off to bed for me and hopefully all our team.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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