Happy Mother’s Day…….

Today is Mother’s Day and we have tried to make it special for Amanda. We all got her cards (even the cat and dog did) and a few gifts as well. They were all very thoughtful gifts too, but nothing could beat the unprompted “Happy Muddrs Day Mommy” from Ben as she was opening up her gifts. It clearly melted her heart and made those new vacuum bags and kitchen apron we got her look a lot less offensive to her! (If you know us, you know that this is a joke….doing that would lead to a homicide.) We hope to get her out to eat later today, but it will have to be with just us boys because Stephanie is working.

We will see my mom a little later today too. My mom is in a nursing home here in Noblesville and is an Alzheimer’s patient. She is also a raging diabetic who will expect her usual ice cream and sugar-free candy. She has good days and bad, and we are hoping for a good one today. She is an avid reader, so we will be bringing her some books as well.

After that, I will call her mom, my grandma, on the way to dinner. My grandma is in her mid-90’s and doing great. She told me if it were not for the arthritis she has in her knees, she would be getting around just fine. I always call her on Mother’s Day because she not only wants to know about mom, but she played a big part in raising me into who I am today. (Do not tell my wife that, I do not want my grandma taking the blame!)

Anyway, I hope and pray that this Mother’s Day is an enjoyable one for you. And on this day I gave thanks to God for all mothers and for who they have been to us in our lives!


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