The Lord provides……

It always amazes me at how when things can appear quite dark, if you are faithful, often a blessing comes your way. Such was the case with all the turmoil with the termination of our lease at St. Patrick’s.

Sure, it was a great relief to have that behind us, but of course it opened up a whole other can of worms. We have a garage overflowing with the contents of a church and no place to put them. We have a congregation, now orphaned and looking for space, and our dining and living rooms were far from ideal. Commercial realtors had no options for us where we needed to be, and we certainly are in no position to purchase anything, plus that takes a long time if we were. We have been keeping our eyes open however, never finding a thing.

Oddly enough, mid-last week, Scotty was sick and had a doctor’s appointment. He went alone, as I was in Indianapolis, but by the time he was heading to the pharmacy I was almost there. My instructions were to drop off his prescription and by the time I got there it would be ready. He could take it and I could get him lunch before he headed to BED.

But as it often happens talking to people who are less than themselves, or in his case nowhere near himself, he misunderstood. I arrived at the pharmacy to find him sleeping in his car, RX in his hand. I had compassion on him, although I was running behind, and we went in and dropped off his prescription, went through a drive-thru to get some lunch and then drove around until we could pick up his meds.

It was then that we accidentally (if you really believe it was an accident) stumbled upon it. It had been for rent apparently quite some time, yet I had never seen it or had been told about it. It was a stand alone house, right in the center of downtown Westfield about a mile from the property we were leaving. It was nice, it was vacant, and it was interesting….though it is small.

To make a long story short, we will be signing the lease for this facility tomorrow afternoon and moving our things tomorrow night. It will require us to go to two services there, as the congregation is already larger than the building, but for a year we have all agreed to get by. We may even keep it beyond that year for something else.

But the Lord did more than provide us a building, He helped to provide some healing for us too. Our new landlord had only talked to one of our other landlords before calling me….it was the First United Methodist Church in Anderson. They love us and told her so. And as I was talking to her, our landlord from Kokomo called and shared pretty much the same thing. We really are a good bunch, and we just got caught in a bad place. It was nice to see a little redemption amidst the chaos!

So tomorrow is moving day! It’s not that I didn’t have a lot to do already, but it will be worth it. If this church grows we may have to have 5 services per weekend to accommodate everyone into this smaller sized church. But being a little tight is sure a lot better than being a tomb. Thank God for what He has provided us. We are looking forward to making this move a real success!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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