Moving St. Patrick…….

Oh I know, St. Patrick died some 1500+ years ago, but I am talking about moving his church, not him. He is among the Saints of God, singing great hymns, rooting for the Cubs and Bears, and watching Notre Dame football, like all the great Saints. AND, I am sure he is also rooting for the Noblesville Lady Millers as they defend their Regional Title this week and return to the Final Four too.

But I digress….tonight we moved the CONTENTS of his Church from my garage to our new facility in downtown Westfield. It is still a jumbled mess, but we have a bit of time yet. We will immediately go to TWO services there, one at 8am and one at 10am, and by that 8am service it will be a full and functioning Church!!

I will confess however, that my favorite part of the day was the Chinese restaurant that I went to with Deacon Dan at 11 am and then with the moving crew again a little after 6! Yes, the Lord blessed me double today although I am sure the scale will curse me tomorrow. But everyone was working HARD and they deserved the food….I was just along for the ride! Tomorrow there will be no such nonsense.

But tomorrow there will be work. The big things are in and the little things, of which there are many, need to be done. I will be doing most of them too.

So off to bed after a blessed day, and now I am talking about the move and not about the Chinese food. I am so glad things went well, and we will schedule me at this church for the next few weeks at least. It looks nice so far and I will get some pictures in my blog tomorrow.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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