Delay of game……

Tonight we played in the Regional Semi-Final against Hamilton Southeastern High School. We were the second game, and the winner goes to play in the Regional Final against the Carmel Greyhounds on Saturday night. And we had a comfortable lead, 12-6 with 12:22 to go when the lightening came and we had to vacate to the locker rooms. We just needed to go the additional 2:22 to make it a legal game, but we have to wait 30 minutes after each sighting or thunder. Just before 11, the HSE Coach Ashley Grant and I agreed to call the game and reschedule it for tomorrow. Unfortunately, it will have to be played completely from the start.

One of the worst parts of being a coach is dealing with the parents, especially when they are being awful…..and that was the case tonight with some of the HSE parents. As the delay went on, and we were watching radar, I had a few of them in my face and they were not polite at all. It amazes me at what some people will say, and they not only humiliated their coach publicly, but they really put a poor light on their program. I felt so badly for her, and even called her on the way home. She is an outstanding coach and a friend (as most of the coaches are). We will meet up again tomorrow night too.

Anyway, in the world of sports, that is sometimes just how it goes. I am just thankful tonight for a great and honorable team of opponents (including their coach, no ESPECIALLY their coach), great refs, a great team, and wonderful parents. (Mine do not misbehave). When I was in seminary, the seminary chaplain once said, “Life is okay, if it weren’t for the people.” I am beginning to understand him more than I know!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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