Exciting Anniversary Ramblings………..

Generally, anniversaries are not times meant to be miserable, but in my defense we went to Outback Steakhouse for lunch today in Bloomington (Amanda, Ben, Kenzie, and I) and I went OFF my diet AND onto the shortlist for needing to wear sweatpants everywhere.  We ate a little after noon, (time-wise, not quantity-wise) and quite honestly tonight I believe I will not ever need to eat again.

And with that, I am so thankful we exchanged gifts last night as I feel like I need to hibernate more than pay attention.  But I am taking the time to write this as I did want to share this joyous day.  All in all, we really did have a great time, and getting to share it with Kenzie was a real plus.  And even more than that, although I see it everyday (okay, most days) it is very easy to see how very blessed I am to be married to my wife.  She puts up with a lot, and today probably about 30 pounds more.

But we are home now and can call it a day.  She works early tomorrow, Ben starts school at 8:30, and a lot of work will take place before we welcome our favorite nomad (Amanda’s mom) back home.  It is too bad she couldn’t join us today for our anniversary, but we will have her here for her birthday on Tuesday!  I however will probably still not be eating.

Anyway, Happy Anniversary to my bride, and happy Sunday to you!  And let’s all pray for a Bear’s WIN tonight, as to me that would make feeling the way I do much much better!

Goodnight and God Bless!


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