Open for business……

Yee ha….St. Patrick’s opened at its new location and the people loved it…..THANK GOD! I am pleased that we can begin to move on from this big mess! I celebrated at 2 services there this morning, the first being our very first 8am service at ANY of our missions, with just me and a VISITOR! (Thanks Doug!) It was probably not as spectacular of a visit as he was expecting, but as I told him, it makes for a better story!

From there I ran up to Christ the King to preach and celebrate. We were not sure whether Father Michael was prepared to do the service without me this morning, because we talked about it on Thursday at the move, but never really confirmed it. So I headed up, just in case.

The big blessing was that Father Michael was not expecting me at all! He had a sermon and though I am the technical “big cheese” I decided to just help out and have him preach and celebrate with me there. It was a great time with a great group of people and a great blessing to me! I was able to end my day there and head home for a nap with a set of toddler feet jammed into my side.

But the big thing is that we have moved into a new era. With this issue behind us we are free to move on……and to where??? Well, Muncie, Bloomington, Indianapolis, and maybe even UPLAND come to mind…..and did I mention we are planting in Peoria, Illinois in July? Pretty cool huh?

Okay…enough of my rambling! Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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