The best laid plans……

I had already worked all day and was exhausted. My intention was to clean out all the lacrosse stuff from my car, and get some church work done too since this St. Patrick stuff has put me very far behind. But just suddenly I found myself needing to do work here at the house, and it was physical….and exhausting.

When Amanda got home she had Ben, and I was still not quite done. She reminded me that she was teaching Financial Peace University tonight and that Ben and I would be here alone. She also said to make sure I gave him a bath too.

Generally, this is no problem, because I usually have a lot of energy and enjoy laughing at him in the tub. But in truth, I was whooped! I made him dinner (macaroni and peas) and I sat in the chair barely able to move. AND, to show you how bad it was for me, I even sat through most of the episode of “Thomas the Train,” which is so bad that they show it to people in emergency rooms in place of Ipecac to induce illness.

But there we were, and as he finished I got up to give him his chocolate pudding…….but it was then that he finished me. As I looked over at him, he had decided to use that pudding (which he loves) as some sort of a face mask. And it that were not enough, when I said “NO” he panicked and wiped his hands into his hair, because we have told him not to wipe his hands on his shirt.

I have to confess, I really did plan on just sitting and resting tonight, watching whatever I had to in order to pass the time before the return of his mom. And in all honesty, I was intending to wait on the bath too, because I really didn’t have the energy. I am sure she would have understood, because I have been working so hard. But I doubt if she would have understood my waiting for her with pudding crusting all over his head……though I did weigh every option.

The blessing of all of this though, is not that he is clean and in my bed now watching that stupid train while I type, the blessing is that one day he will have children of his own. Ultimately it is all about payback, and as my dad would probably tell you, grandchildren work for their grandparents….particularly in the revenge business.

So I will patiently wait, not just for Amanda to come home, but for that right woman to walk into his life, the marriage, and then the bouncing baby paybacks….I mean grandchildren. I know it will be worth it, and I am not making a list, I have one. Stephanie and Scott’s are extensive…….but their little brother still has quite a bit of time!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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