The real end of an era……

Yep, today was it. The State Final took place, and though we were not in it, Stephanie ended her high school athletic career by being named 1st Team All State. It was quite and honor, and for me one of the pinnacles of my life. She has worked hard and really deserved it. I am certain this picture will be one of my favorites of all time. I cannot even begin to tell you how proud I am.

AND, in usual style, though we wanted to take her out to dinner, a few of her friends are over at the house and we just grilled out. I know she is moving, but I hope that doesn’t end. It seems like there are always people here and I am sure if they suddenly do not show up one day we will miss them. Of course I will get by if no one is here, it is Amanda who will have to adjust because she will have to talk to me!

But in all seriousness, it has been a great time. Three of our players were All Region and two All State. And though I know I have to write a sermon for tomorrow and get ready, somehow I feel God calling me to just enjoy and stay in this time here. I can wake up early if I have to, but this is a moment in time I need to enjoy.

On this night I thank God for the blessing He has giving me in a wonderful daughter and all she has accomplished. It was her day and I am proud of her. She now enters a new era and I am no longer her coach. But I am always satisfied and more comfortable to just be her dad. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter, and even if I could, I cannot imagine a better one. Thank God for her, and for this wonderful day!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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