Misguided directions…….

This blog tonight is the “rehearsal dinner” to the big event, my last blog post for 30 days (at least) as I go off to get my life and my thoughts and my ministry focused an together.  It is a serious and daunting task, yet one I seem to have a strange attraction to.  I suppose my mom (God rest her soul) would say that this perception actually show s some sanity, but in all honesty, I do not believe my mom was convinced that a lot I was doing with my life held any particles of sanity at all.  So this is not quite non-fiction, but more of “speculative fiction.”

But tonight my Mother-in-Law arrived and we went out for her birthday which is tomorrow.  She is an incredible woman, and tremendously supportive of Amanda and I, and I appreciate her being here as I move through this discernment/sabbatical.

I will write more tomorrow as I am SO FAR behind.  But I look forward to sharing where I am heading and what the future brings……and its Genesis is all tomorrow.

In the meantime, please enjoy this wonderful picture of Ben and Kenzie celebrating our anniversary without Scott!  He still thinks she will bag Scotty for him!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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