Technically the same but different……..

Okay, high school classes are officially over. And Scotty is now a SENIOR, but graduation is not until Friday night, so Stephanie is technically a senior still….at least until they confer her diploma. So much to her dismay I am sure, for a little more than 48 hours,they will both be the same.

Of course that goes against both their natures. They have both spent a lifetime trying to out do each other. Every year we take them out for dinner on this night, and all night long Scotty has been trying to get her to call him “senior,” while making sure she knows she is a freshman. I do not think she is buying any of that, and she is most likely just being polite in front of us. Though Scotty is bigger, about 6’1″, Steph is still the oldest and will probably dish out some sort of payback out of my site.

The good news is that I have successfully guided at least one child through high school. At least that is my belief…..I need to see the diploma. I am not worried, like my parents I am sure were. I am just excited for them both!

So tonight we had perhaps our last everyone got through this year dinner, and it was a blast. I am not sure if Steph will be home next year on the day, but if she is we will continue to all be together for it. But for now I am thankful just for the day. I have great kids and I am proud of them all. Congratulations to them both for completing another year of school, and congratulations to Ben for throwing that crayon at dinner ALMOST into that lady’s macaroni and cheese at the next table. He needs some work I tell you. Both the older kids would have nailed it right in her plate.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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