Race Day with Ben……

I hate very few things in life, but one of the things I DO hate is living in central Indiana on Race Day. (yep, it is capitalized because it is considered a holiday here) Living here means you cannot watch the Indianapolis 500 on the television, quite simply because it is blacked out. And it is not that I am a big race fan, though I DO love Tony Stewart and NASCAR, but I just like being able to take the afternoon off an watch the race like I used to in Mishawaka as a kid.

Sadly, I no longer live in Mishawaka (my hometown) and I had to settle for the radio. I never did get to hear a lot, and still do not know who won. And as I sit here at 8:30, Ben has commandeered the TV to watch this new preschool channel called Sprout, but I suppose it is better than him telling me at every point a race is on that Lightening McQueen is going to win, and asking me where he is. Sooner or later he will be crushed to learn that Lightening McQueen is not real, and that even if he was, in the word of NASCAR Tony Stewart would beat him soundly. But for now, it is a non-issue. Sprout has taken over our lives tonight. Hopefully I can avoid finding out who wins till I get the couch back. We will see. In these days of constant information, I know my odds are low.

Off to watch…………an episode of “Kipper the dog.” I am praying it is a racing episode.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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