Attempting to take the day off….

Though my work seems just about constant, today I attempted to take the day off. I did very little in terms of work, but when your work is really a vocation, it becomes hard to separate the two. I did however make the attempt to spend the day at home and set aside church work until tomorrow. I did fail miserably, but in truth it did not bother me……for I feel my walk as a priest is not incongruous with my walk as a Christian man, parent, husband. Sure, I didn’t make a bunch of appointments, but I also still did the things I needed to.

It reminded me of how many pastors I come in contact with that really try to treat their faith lives as a job, and not as a vocation. Some of their intentional divisions, though they try and justify them, are offensive. Even Jesus questioned about if your cow fell into the ditch on the Sabbath, would you leave it there? The answer is no… is not meant to be regimented, just lived. And our character and behavior is meant to reflect belief and faith, not the worship of some vacation-oriented ideal. Life is meant to reflect not just common sense, but the care and respect for each other as we walk through it. And though I did work a bit today, my life I feel reflected the best of what it should have.

Anyway, the day is over and I feel rested and refreshed. I also feel I accomplished a bit as well. It may not have been entirely work-free…..but in the end it was a good one, and the best possible one to begin the week with.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless.


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