Celebrating Stephanie……

Today we held a graduation party for Stephanie at our house. A lot of the people from church, our friends, as well as lacrosse players, came by to say congrats……and Amanda’s mom even surprised us by driving in from Kansas. My sister Anna came too. It was a lot of work, but well worth it because it was a nice time.

The reality of it all though is daunting. It truly was the last thing connected to her high school and “kid” career. She is now 18, and a freshman in college. And although it was nice to reminisce a bit, our attention will now turn to finalizing her registration for classes, getting supplies for her dorm room, arranging for the move to St. Charles. It seems strange to me, not in the sense that I haven’t expected it all along, but in the fact that I have just never experienced it. But I am proud of her and although she is all grown up, to me she will always be my little girl.

But now I will call it a night. I am meeting the Bishop at 9am tomorrow morning in Indianapolis. He is in town to do a wedding. But I have to do a little reading to get my mind back on the work page! Being sentimental and nostalgic can turn a mind to mush, and when you figure in my damaged mind you can bet I need to review a few things before I head down there.

I hope your day was as blessed as mine!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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