Lessons about my wife…….

One of the lessons I have learned about my wife is that when she decides to do something, she heads into it full speed ahead. (With the exception of scratching my back which she stopped doing diligently on the way back down the aisle after saying “I do.”) So with trying to do something special for Stephanie, she was at about Mach 2 and I was just trying to stay out of her way.

But another lesson that I have learned about my wife is that if her mother is here, she will try to make Mach 2 look slow. Amanda really kicks it up even further and the sad reality for me is that it is pretty difficult to not feel the sonic boom.

The sad reality of the day has been that I have been suffering from a very bad headache and just trying to get by. And it was a busy one already. The two of them can accomplish more in one day that any team of people together than I have ever seen. And if you add Amanda’s sister Rhonda to the mix, well then it gets even more spectacular.

My mother-in-law leaves in the morning to return to Kansas and we will not see her for a couple of weeks until we stop out there on vacation at the end of June…..but it was a real blessing to have her here with us now.

And the last lesson I will share tonight, though there are many, is to not attempt to be too respectful or sentimental about what you want to write in your blog or you may be hung! I just took a picture of them both looking at pictures and it was a good one. But because Amanda (who did not see the picture) threatened my life if I used it (I am pretty sure she was serious) I decided to use this old one, with Rhonda included, instead.

As a scientist, I am sure she would make quick work of me and leave not a trace……and with her mom here, it could happen quicker than I’d expect. After all, who can keep up with Mach 2 plus??

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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