All the help that I need……

Tonight I am playing smarter, not harder, so instead of asking my wife for a picture for the blog, I asked my son….the youngest son, who will do just about anything if you bribe him….thus the apple juice and the cheese puffs.

But regardless of whether his motives are to help me or not, it is just a blessing to have some company and to have that company not say “no.” Even with cheese puffs in his mouth he is more likely to interrupt than to actually motivate, but he provides a lot of comic relief. That would normally be Scott’s job, but he is out at open houses for graduates, and Stephanie, who is much more serious, is at work. So Mr. Ben just has to do.

His fake burps and laughs, along with his accompanying “excuse mes” are a bit hit, although almost exclusively with just him. For me the comedy is found in how he gets that orange stuff even on his nose when he eats, and how his mouth now looks like he bought lipstick at the Syracuse University bookstore. And everyone but he apparently knows that you cannot get that orange stuff off your hands by rubbing them together. Oh wait, he just found the right way…..he rubbed it on his shirt.

But the good news is that we are having a great time and getting this done…..together. He’s not exactly the world’s best writer. But tonight, Ben is all the help I need.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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