Technique is everything…….

I was in Fort Wayne for work all day today, and though the people were wonderful, and the experience a blessing, I was not looking forward to the drive home. Stress occasionally works its way on me, and today that made the drive home look a bit larger than it really was. It is not that it is a long drive, because it really isn’t. But all the traffic can become a visual overload. I just didn’t want to weave in and out of it going home.

Oh but not to worry, because I had good training. You see, as a kid, my grandfather and I would OFTEN hope into the Thunderbird and just take rides through the country. They were always peaceful relaxing and wonderful. We were never in a hurry, the country was beautiful (all Indiana farmland) and I was with my grandpa. I could do that everyday….really.

And where I grew up, though it is not like that anymore, you had to drive through cornfields to get there….from any direction. We played in those fields as kids too, and there is just a certain smell and purity in the country.

So when I need to clear my head, or when I need some time away, I often drive through the country. Oddly enough, I always have. When I lived away from my grandfather, it was how I remembered, and now that he resides at the “home office” as I like to say, it is a way I connect with him and center myself.

So today, I probably could have hustled back in half the time, but I chose the back roads instead…..all the way from Fort Wayne. It helped a great deal, and I enjoyed it very much. And though I suppose a picture of a corn field isn’t very exciting to most, it is to me because it connects my past and present all at once.

So today I thank God that He provided me the beautiful fields to drive through this day, and in doing so blessed me tremendously. But now it is back to the grind. Tomorrow is another day, but thank God…….there is another corn field just across the field from my back porch!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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