Oh if life were just that easy……

Yep, he has it made. His day is filled with goofing off and very little stress, while mine is a minefield! Yes, once again my laptop has the infamous “bad image” virus, the very same one that the computer repair place took two trips to fix last time, and really didn’t fix it as much as backed-up my files and then reformatted my hard drive…..and oh yes, charged me an arm and a leg. Of course I had top of the line virus software running all the time, which they said was pretty ineffective. They did however fix me up, take my money, and send me on my way.

You can imagine my questions this time….again. I mean what can I do to prevent it, other than using my laptop for a paperweight and never turning it on? The guy suggested a new laptop to me, you know, a better one that might be a better fit. And yep, he led me right over to the one I already had. Potential meltdown I swear!

So I walked right out of there. I had already backed up everything, so I was not worried about that. I just do not have the time or patience to do this more than once, nor can we keep buying computers every 15 minutes. So at the bequest of all the Mac cultists (all good friends of mine) I drove over to the Apple Store and vented my frustrations to the nice people there. Oddly enough, they were not just very willing to listen to me, but clearly this was not their first rodeo, they had heard it before lots of times. And though their products cost more money than God Himself probably has, in truth, with all the repairs and replacements, if I have no problems, it could be cheaper. So we bit the bullet and bought a MAC.

But no, I am not in paradise yet, nor am I all fuzzy-wuzzy in love. I still don’t have a clue as to how to use the most user friendly computer in the world, so this is to say I have not yet finished all my Kool Aid. BUT, I have gotten onto the Internet, and I have transferred my calendar. I also have done a few other things too. This blog however is being posted on one of two things I can still do on my old laptop…..get to Firefox and check my email. Tomorrow I hope to make the final transition and begin to repopulate my important files from backup. That will clear a lot of mines!

But for now I am calling it a day. I pray that tomorrow my life is more like Ben’s…..playing in my toys in bare feet and watching cartoons! Yep, I am a dreamer…..but tomorrow I intend to be a lot closer to it than I have been today!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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