Back in the Saddle………

It has been a long and challenging few months for me, but I am happy to profess that I am back in the saddle again.   And although I would have rather just played life straight up, I have benefited quite a bit by this detour.

First of all I want to make clear……no, I did not have some mid-life crisis or did I head off on some journey to “find myself,” in fact I am pretty confident I have known myself the whole time.  It is just that sometimes when there are too many balls in the air one needs to set some aside in order to make sure all of them are not dropped to the ground.  And, so we can also be clear, I felt it was probably a good idea to set a few things like my blog aside over saying to my wife, “listen, why don’t I just stop pulling my weight around here?”  One leads to praise, the other to homicide.  (We should also remember that my wife is a scientist by training and could really make anything look like an accident….I am just thankful she loves me.)

But instead of sharing with you the details, I will leave it to your imaginations.  Sure, I know what that leads to……some will conjure up the negative and some will head towards the positive, but despite that, I will keep those parts of my life private.

On the catch up front however there is much to report.  Scotty is now a Lance Corporal and ENGAGED to a very wonderful young woman (Kenzie).  They will be married this summer.  Steph is now half way through her senior year and will finish with a degree in CHEMISTRY (I need to have her DNA checked) and all while playing for one of the best D2 college lacrosse programs in the nation. Amanda is as busy as ever and has now gotten into Thirty-One products as she loves them.  Viper just had a MAJOR surgery to remove his spleen and is doing great!  And Ben, well let’s just say he is just Ben.  He now has a yellow belt with a green tip in Tae Kwon Do and as I just found out since he just came into my office…..PINK EYE.  He’s showing everyone.

So in a lot of ways life is very much the same.  In the past few months I have done a lot of soul-searching and gained a lot of depth.  And all I can say is that it has been worth it.

I’ll see you tomorrow!

Good night my friends and God Bless!


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