Okay, this is my first post from my MAC. I am now done migrating everything from my PC, and hopefully in time I will figure out this technology!

But for tonight, I am on the back porch (sans animals because it is a violent thunderstorm) and typing away. The back porch has so much rain washing up against the screen porch that Ben insists we are at the carwash, and who am I to argue with him. With the evidence before him, he seems pretty accurate.
So I am caught up, at least for now. In the midst of this computer fiasco, I learned that news was sent to me on June 7th (which I never received) that Deacons PT and Dan passed their tests! We are hoping to see them priested on July 2nd up in Anderson! (Stay tuned for details!)
So for tonight I am off to bed! Get to sleep while you have a win, I always say! And tonight is a BIG ONE!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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