Happy Birthday Scotty!

Yep, today is Scotty’s 17th birthday and to celebrate we went out to lunch at Red Robin. Sadly, he forgot that they sing there, and the smile on his face is from the balloons they delivered along with his complimentary birthday sundae. Ben, who had been a bit fussy to that point got pretty compliant, and offered to help Scott with his sundae. He also helped Scott blow out the candles on his cake tonight……he is a giver for sure.

But we are truly proud of Scotty and so pleased to share in his special day. It was pretty cool to have the kids all together for it, because I know with one heading off to college, that may no longer be the norm. But for now, we will thank God for these blessings and enjoy it.
But for now, I will call it a day. Way to go Scotty, and Happy Birthday! We love you and are proud of you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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