Travel day, but finally in Florida……

Yep, believe it or not, we are on vacation, something we rarely do together. But we figured this may be the last time we could all get together and take a trip. Steph leaves for college in two months to the day, and Scotty has two lacrosse camps and a busy social schedule too! (Really they both do.)

So we decided on Disney, and although we got on the plane this morning with almost zero sleep, everyone seemed to survive. We had not intended to leave or hotel except for dinner tonight, but because we purchased a meal plan as part of our vacation, we needed to hop a bus to the Magic Kingdom to get lunch. Fortunately it allowed us to get this wonderful picture of the kids in front of Cinderella’s Castle.

But it is now 8:30 and we have been in the room over an hour and are all exhausted with Steph and Ben already asleep. I will not be far behind. Our housesitters will take care of home, and Ben will continue to explode with excitement here. It is already a great time. For now however, I am calling it a day!

Goodnight from Mickey’s house my friends and God Bless!


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