
Yep, we found it. I think it was back in 2003 when I brought Stephanie and Scotty here to fulfill a promise I had made to them years before. The picture was actually taken at the entrance to Epcot, two of them in fact (one with each of the kids) and they supposedly would be there for 20 years.

We wanted to take one of Ben too, but they apparently do not take them anymore. That’s too bad too. It was fun for us to find them. Scotty told me on the old mine ride on that trip that it was the best day of his life. I am not sure how it still ranks. I just retired from hearing anything like that while I was on top. It was a great time.
This time here is big too…..especially today. Today is my grandma’s birthday and tomorrow is mine. She used to live down here, and God Bless her, at midnight many years ago on Main Street, as the bell at the castle began to toll, she gave me a kiss and said “Happy Birthday Tommy, I love you.” And I kissed her and said, “Happy Birthday to you too grandma, I love you too.” I think that was 1973. But regardless, it is the fondest memory I have of us together. I thankfully can come back and remember that moment throughout my life, which I have quite a few times. Steph and Scott do not remember me tearfully telling them that story on that spot in 2003 (I think). And I did real well telling it today on that spot.
I won’t be out there at midnight tonight because Ben can’t make it to midnight and I am not sure I could either in this heat. Steph and Scott are somewhere out there, but I am sure the story doesn’t mean as much to them….particularly since my grandma (my dad’s mom) died just a few years later.
But to me it does and tonight is pretty special. I am glad to be here, and particularly glad to be here today.
Happy Birthday Grandma. I love you and I miss you too.
Goodnight my friends and God Bless.

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