Post 700 – Dancing the night away for Father’s Day!

Yep, my 700th post, and on Father’s Day too!

Today was busy but fun. We started off at Hollywood Studios where we ate last night for a stage show of Playhouse Disney. They had four parts really…..Mickey Mouse and friends, Handy Manny, Tigger and Pooh, and the worst show in all of Disney the snooty Einsteins, I mean little ones…..though I certainly wish there were less. But Ben thought it was marvelous and that’s what counts the most.

I will say if I would just stop eating here I would have already lost about 100 pounds. We have walked miles and miles, and quite honestly, though my legs hurt, it feels great. Oddly enough I am feeling something far more important stirring in me other than just rest and refreshment. I guess without playing a sport it is sometimes hard to see what your body craves…..this trip is giving me a much clearer picture.
At the request of the kids and I we changed our dinner from an Italian place in Epcot to return to the Biergarten. I suppose it makes sense, for before the spelling of our name was changed at the start of the last century it was Tiermann. (It is the German word for incredibly insightful and handsome priest, or something like that. I only had 4 years of German and it was over 30 years ago) But at the Beirgarten you don’t have to remember.
This time we were right by the dance floor and I let Ben out on it. Everyone was afraid to join him, so I did. I grew up in an area where it was very ethnic, and it didn’t matter….German, Polish, Slovac anything, it was Polka music and drinking songs. Neither Ben or I had anything, but I was out with him before anyone. I finally convinced Amanda out who I filmed on my phone so you could see. Steph and Scott were chicken, but in time I know they will be out there with their kids. Heritage is a big thing, and though our name is German, it’s really all about family. I would do anything for my kids, like tonight dancing with one who clearly had no rhythm. That’s a heritage I want to pass on…….and one that I have.
Gute Nacht und Gott segnen Sie!

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