The long way home…….

Yep, we are in Kansas, known for its flatness and weather! Even Dorothy was ejected from Kansas before returning! But we made it here just fine. Our flight, as far as any of us could tell since we were up at 3:30 and on the bus to the airport at 4:30, seemed uneventful. We landed shortly after 9am here and learned a valuable lesson……never fly that early again.

But thankfully we are here and having fun. I was ready to restart watching what I was eating, but my mother-in-law had a little birthday shindig for us all. So tomorrow I can do better, and Thursday we will be home. It is hard to eat right while traveling, and birthday/celebration cake is, in my mind, rude to turn down……and I thank God for that!

But all the activity is catching up to us. I can see everyone slowing down. It has been fun so far, and we always have a great time out here in Kansas. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day….and then sadly, we will be on the plane early again (I meant we will learn NEXT TIME) on Thursday!

Off to bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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