Clicking our heels, but not for Kansas……..

Well although Dorothy clicked the heels of her ruby red slippers to get back to Kansas, in less than 12 hours we will be leaving it. It is certainly not because of anything we dislike here, Kansas is really a wonderful place. It’s that we have been gone long enough and as Dorothy said, there really is “no place like home.” And our home is Indiana.

I will not be disappointed to get there either. Our vacation has been great, but I miss things like my own bed, Viper and Puddy, the back porch, and even mowing my yard. I will enjoy getting back into the swing of things too. I have a lot to do in preparation of the ordinations next Friday, so getting back to my familiar environment will be quite helpful.

Anyway, click the heels we will, and thanks to Southwest we should be home before noon. It has been quite the time and a great trip to celebrate Steph’s graduation. I hope she has time to go with us next year when Scotty graduates and we head to the McDonald’s by our house. It will not be quite the trip we have been on this year, but at least I will get to sleep in my own bed!

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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