Spiderman dreams…..

Yes, that is Ben and Amanda at the Wal-Mart with Ben pulling his new Spiderman blanket through the store because he trusts no one else to do so. Parents will do a lot to get a toddler to sleep in his own bed, and if his attachment to this blanket is any indication, we may not see him out of his room for years.

It was pretty funny though, not just to us, but to all the people at the store. The package was about as big as he was, and yet he just pulled it along. He did manage to let it go long enough to get it home and has set up shop on the couch in the living room where he insists he is now going to bed….fat chance!
We did let him pick out what he wanted though, and there were plenty of choices too. It came down to Spiderman verses Toy Story, and no offense to anyone, but I am glad he picked Spiderman. Spiderman is not just popular now, but it was when I was a kid too. Every boy wanted to be him and many still do. Even I will admit, Spiderman is a lot cooler now than when I was young….sort of like me, just ask my kids….okay don’t. But he has that manly and exciting persona that all men are drawn to be. Plus, the blanket matches his light up shoes and pillow!
So Spiderman it is, but somehow I am still expecting his little feet digging into my side tonight. Not that I would be disappointed, I am very used to it and have trouble sleeping when I travel and he is not kicking me. But Spiderman doesn’t sleep in his parents room. After all, we would notice if he headed out to fight some bad guys. We will see!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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