Oh get real……..

When you are a little boy, your life is often all about “mommy.” And Ben is the poster child for this concept. He loves me, I do know that, but he would gladly throw me under the bus to be with his mom. In the end I have the upper hand though……he loves sports, and she throws like a girl. All little boys also abandon their moms, at least for a short while when they think they are superstar athletes (in my case roughly from 4 to at least 49….but I am an anomaly.)

But driving home from Kokomo yesterday I saw this sign, and I had to get them both in my car and drive them out to see it. It was too funny to me. And although illegal in ALL STATES, it cracked me up. Ben really does see me as in the way most of the time.
But in the end, I will have the last laugh. Ben, like all little boys will have to come to the realization that their dads are married to their moms and they need to find someone of their own.
Not that this is a real comfort to me…….Amanda also would gladly throw me under the bus for Spiderman too.
Off to play third wheel!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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