Ferb, I know what we are going to do tonight……

It is a little after 10pm, and instead of sitting out on the back porch with the cat and dog, I have been relegated to my room with Mr. Incredible, because he and his mom just got home and she has some work to do for a meeting that begins tomorrow morning at 7:30am. My final piece of the day is often this blog, and dag nab it, she knows I can do it from our room. So I am typing, she is downstairs, and Ben is watching an episode of “Phineas and Ferb” on Disney. And unlike many of the awful shows for kids that are on, this one is awesome…..so I do not mind.

I am certain hell has many of the bad shows there running 24/7. Thankfully I am heading in the right direction. I cannot imagine an eternity of that kind of torture!
So in truth, it is a pretty easy night. I am already in bed and Ben is laughing at me because he has managed to weasel himself into our room yet again. I am clearly not as smart as any of my kids. But fortunately at my age, the blessings of sleep are not that far away!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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