The Ordinations!

Although this post will SAY 10pm on July 2nd, if the truth be told, I am writing this from my bed at a little after 1am on the 3rd. I am finally getting around to posting tonight because we didn’t finish up at the church until midnight. I have been home only a short while.

What I can say is that all the work was worth it. PT and Dan we made priests tonight in a glorious service led by Bishop Doc Loomis. The were lots of people there, and all our missions took part in the service in one way or another.
In truth, it was one of the most moving experiences I have ever been a part of. These two men have worked for four years to get to this point, and they are loved dearly by the people. But most of all, they have been called by God to this important ministry and have answered that call faithfully. They are truly amazing men, and are already great priests!
I wish I had a picture too, but I am sorry to say I do not. There was so much going on that I completely spaced needing one for tonight. But as soon as I get one, I will post it.
Anyway, I best hit the bed before the alarm clock rings. I am just thankful for tonight! Congratulations my brothers! We are all very proud of you!
Goodnight my friends and God Bless!

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