Getting ready……..

Well this picture is months old, and I am really unaware as to whether or not I have used it before, but those reindeer antlers were at Meijer, and probably on sale, and all three of the kids have no problem looking goofy in public.

But tonight it made me laugh.  It is 3 days before Christmas and two before a lot of church services that for the first time in over a quarter of a century I will not be the Celebrant at.  One of the things that has happened over these past few months is that I have resigned my position as Rector (head priest) of all the churches I helped plant.  But for them I am not worried, as they do not have “new” leadership, but really the same leadership.  The very ones who help plant alongside me are now the very ones at the helm.  And I am now really working hard to assess my role in the future.  I am still technically on staff, but I feel deeply that I could also be a distraction.  But on the upside, we have spent quite a long time lessening my public role and increasing theirs.  For most people attending, I would like to imagine, it is not an uncomfortable transition.

I will confess however that it is clearly one for me.  I was a student, then a priest…….I have been nothing else.  Not Celebrating on Christmas, or really any Sunday is a big change for me and one that fills me with angst.  Yes, I am still the head of the Order, yet in these changes even that had changed significantly.  And all tonight’s picture reminded me of was my desire for the simpler, although stressful yet familiar, feelings of the huge responsibilities of the next week.  I would have looked at it and though, “well thank God I still have this deranged Meijer Rudolph to get me through.”  I could laugh it off and survive it.

But perhaps these transitions really reflect the fact that I am being called to different things.  Time will tell, but I clearly see movement and signs.  I will just pray Fr. PT and the other clergy see the path before them and walk it faithfully.  They are good men, exceptional ones in fact, and they will be a blessing to many I am sure.

Goodnight my friends and God Bless!


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